
Sometimes all we need is the right coach.


Libertas: the Roman goddess of ‘disambiguation’ and freedom.  I had to look up that word but it sounded like something that would make things less ambiguous and could increase clarity, which embodies what coaching means to me.  That’s exactly what I found -- disambiguation is simply solving a situation by removing the obstacles to clarity, whether miscommunication, lack of perspective, or misunderstanding. I knew that’s what I had to call my company, Libertas.  Is there anything better that can result from a coaching relationship than clarity and the freedom of an illuminated path?

Woman sits on a rock at dusk or dawn.


Libertas: the Roman goddess of ‘disambiguation’ and freedom.  I had to look up that word but it sounded like something that would make things less ambiguous and could increase clarity which embodies what coaching means to me.  That’s exactly what I found -- disambiguation is simply solving a situation by removing the obstacles to clarity, whether miscommunication, lack of perspective, or misunderstanding. I knew that’s what I had to call my company, Libertas.  Is there anything better that can result from a coaching relationship than clarity and the freedom of an illuminated path?

Sandra Altner


Sandra is a Certified Executive Coach (CEC - Royal Roads) and has achieved the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level with the International Coaching Federation.  She is certified in EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360. Sandra is also a Fellow of the Institute for Certified Management Consultants of Manitoba under CMC Canada (FCMC). She earned her baccalaureate at Syracuse University in New York and her MBA at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada.

Sandra's CV Brief
As a Leader

"I can’t even begin to list all the ways you’ve been a support and inspiration to me and to many others."

As a Leader

"Reflecting over the years, we have had a great many moments, experiences, successes and challenges. Each one tested our resilience, mindset and guidance system. Even when the Team did not clearly see through the disruptions and complexity, you set the course, stayed steadfast and had us moving towards greatness. Your endless support, while holding the space and allowing me to grow, personally and professionally, will never be forgotten."

CK - Manager
As a Leader

"I have learned so much from you and am inspired by your dedication and passion. "

As a Coach

"You really do have insightful words of wisdom…thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and raising the bar, all with such a high level of class."

HS - Manager
As a Coach

"You have touched and changed the lives of so many people. The commitment to share your experience and wisdom to help others is commendable and I know that you will guide many more people to be the best they can be."

CV - Advisor
As a Leader

"So many women have been fortunate to have learned from your example of leadership, partnership, dedication and tenacity."

As a Leader

"Your impact and decisions as our team leader to foster my strengths and ideas has ultimately led me to a career and business I cherish so much today."

VM - Entrepreneur
As a Leader

"Thanks for all your guidance, words of wisdom and leadership. I learned so much from you. Your achievements and love for learning and openness are so admirable."

As a Leader

"Your spirit and passion have always inspired me…I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to begin my career with you as my role model and leader…your calm and caring energy, your wisdom and grit, your ability to bring a team together in the most uncertain of times will continue to guide me."

SH - Advisor
As a Coach

"You have played an important role in my ongoing discovery of self and my capacity as a professional woman. You’ve been instrumental in my learning as it relates to my opportunities for growth, leadership, collaboration, boundary setting and team capacity-building."

AK - Director

Let's do some great work together.

The International Coach Federation cites studies that show that 70% of individuals who receive coaching benefit from improved work performance, better relationships and more effective communications skills.  Of the companies that chose to invest in coaching, 86% reported they had recouped their investment.

Check out my calendar to find a half hour slot for a virtual meeting to determine whether we should move forward to design a coaching package that meets your needs.

Sandra’s CV brief

  • Worked in leadership roles in both the public and private sector and, most recently, spent 15 years as the CEO of a provincial non-profit organization providing start up and expansion loans, training and advisory services to women entrepreneurs.
  • Was a key founder of a national umbrella organization that was able to garner substantial federal funding for its professional infrastructure, staffing, and support activities. Tasks in this role included meetings with Federal ministers and government officials that contributed to important policy changes regarding supports for women’s entrepreneurship in Canada.
  • As an entrepreneur and business owner, started and ran two retail enterprises in Winnipeg’s trendy Osborne Village and worked with other business owners to create a business association that worked with the City to improve the retail zone.
  • Founded and ran a management consulting agency that specialized in strategic business development and planning.
  • Started and ran a micro-loan and entrepreneurship program for inner city residents.
  • Worked as a senior policy advisor for the  City of Winnipeg Mayor's Office.
  • Worked in academia, spending two years as the ED of University of Winnipeg’s Global College.
  • Had extensive experience in developing successful proposals for both private and public sector funding.

Sandra’s board experience includes: 12 years as a member (two years President) of the Winnipeg Folk Festival; 5 years as a member (two years Chair) of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship; 11 years as a member (4 years Chair) of the Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada; 4 years as a member of the board of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra; 5 years member (two years Chair) of the Council of the Institute for Certified Management Consulting of Manitoba (ICMCM).

Her hobbies include cooking, reading, and travel and her interests (and 3 a.m. Google surfing) are as varied as Scandinavian folk music, archaeology, science fiction and the neuroscience of coaching.

Get in touch

Please send a brief message if you have a question or would like to know how my services might be of help to you. Your contact information will remain private and is never shared with third parties.

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Sometimes it's better just to talk!

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